Law Firm PPC: 20 Advertising Tips for Attorneys

Law Firm PPC: 20 Advertising Tips for Attorneys

Optimize your law firm PPC campaigns with our top 20 advertising tips. Boost visibility and client acquisition efficiently.

Law Firm PPC: 20 Advertising Tips for Attorneys

PPC advertising stands as a critical tool for law firms aiming to quickly enhance visibility and client acquisition. 

Effective targeting allows firms to efficiently channel their marketing efforts, maximizing return on investment by reaching potential clients at the moment they're seeking legal services.

1. Define Your Goals

  • Concrete Goals:some text
    • Lead Generation: Aim to increase monthly client inquiries by 25%.
    • Brand Awareness: Enhance visibility by achieving 50,000 impressions per month in targeted regions.
    • Lead Conversion: Improve the conversion rate from click to free consultation request by 15% over the next quarter.
  • How to Monitor Goals:some text
    • Use Google Analytics to track website visits, consultation form submissions, and phone calls from ads.
    • Set up conversion tracking in Google Ads to measure specific actions like form completions or calls made directly from the ad or the landing page.
    • Regularly review these metrics through monthly performance reports to assess progress towards these goals and adjust strategies as necessary.

2. Know Your Target Audience

  • Detailed Audience Segmentation:some text
    • Divorce Law: Target individuals based on relationship status changes on platforms like Facebook, search behavior related to divorce, and engagement in local family counseling groups.
    • Criminal Law: Focus on users searching for urgent legal advice after recent arrests or legal incidents, particularly late at night or early in the morning.
  • Implementation:some text
    • Use Facebook’s detailed targeting to refine your audience based on recent life events, behavioral patterns, and connected interests.
    • In Google Ads, utilize in-market segments to target users who are actively researching legal services.
Car Accident Law Firm PPC Ad in Phoenix, AZ

3. Set Your Advertising Budget

  • Strategic Budget Setting:some text
    • Determine the average client value and set a cost per acquisition (CPA) that ensures a positive ROI. For instance, if a typical client generates $3,000 in revenue with a 30% profit margin, aim for a CPA of less than $300.
  • Implementation:some text
    • Allocate budgets based on historical performance data, seasonal trends, and market competition. Adjust bids for high-performing keywords while reducing spend on underperforming areas.
    • Use Google Ads’ automated bidding strategies to adjust bids in real-time based on conversion likelihood.

4. Choose Your Advertising Platform

  • Platform Selection Based on Specialty:some text
    • Personal Injury: Prioritize Google Ads due to the urgent nature of search queries related to personal injuries.
    • Estate Planning: Leverage Facebook’s demographic targeting to reach older individuals likely considering estate planning.
  • Implementation:some text
    • For immediate needs like criminal defense, set up PPC campaigns with high-budget allocations during weekend nights when incidents are more likely to occur.
    • For services like estate planning, use LinkedIn to target professionals likely considering long-term financial planning.

5. Conduct Keyword Research

  • Keyword Strategy:some text
    • Identify high-intent keywords such as “best divorce attorney near me” or “affordable DUI lawyer.”
    • Explore long-tail keywords which are less competitive and more specific, e.g., “how to file for bankruptcy in California.”
  • Implementation:some text
    • Use Google Keyword Planner to analyze search volume and competition. Incorporate findings into your ad copy and landing pages to ensure high relevance and Quality Score.
Google Keyword Planner For Performing Keyword Research Before Running Pay-Per-Click Advertising

6. Create Compelling Ad Copy and Visuals

  • Ad Copy Examples:some text
    • Immigration Law: “Struggling with visa applications? Our experienced immigration lawyers are here to help. Fast, personalized service guaranteed.”
    • Bankruptcy Law: “Drowning in debt? Talk to our compassionate bankruptcy experts today and start fresh. Free initial consultation.”
  • Visual Guidelines:some text
    • Use imagery that evokes empathy and trust, such as pictures of the law firm’s team or graphics illustrating successful case outcomes.
    • For video ads, include client testimonials and a strong call to action within the first 10 seconds.

7. Optimize Your Landing Pages

  • Detailed Optimization Strategy:some text
    • Ensure that the ad’s promise is fulfilled on the landing page with clear, concise information.
    • Include trust signals such as badges of legal accreditation, client testimonials, and case study summaries.
  • Implementation:some text
    • A/B test different headlines, CTA placements, and forms to identify the configurations that convert the best.

8. Experiment with Different Ad Formats

  • Testing Strategy:some text
    • Test between static images, video ads, and carousel ads to determine which format drives the highest engagement for different legal fields.
  • Implementation:some text
    • Use video ads for personal injury law to narrate successful client stories, which can resonate more deeply with potential clients.
    • For divorce law, carousel ads can highlight different services offered by the firm, such as mediation and child custody advice.

9. Use Remarketing to Target Previous Visitors

  • Remarketing Focus:some text
    • Set up remarketing campaigns to target users who have visited specific service pages but did not convert.
  • Implementation:some text
    • Display ads that remind them of the firm’s capabilities, such as “Still need help with your injury claim? Contact us for a free follow-up consultation.”

10. Monitor and Adjust Your Campaigns

  • Continuous Monitoring:some text
    • Establish regular weekly reviews to assess ad performance against goals. Adjust keywords, ad spend, and creative elements based on analytics insights.
  • Implementation:some text
    • Use Google Ads and Analytics to track detailed performance metrics like CTR, CPC, and conversion rate per ad group.

11. Work with a PPC Expert

  • When to Consider Expert Help: If your campaigns are not delivering expected results or you're spending too much time on PPC without sufficient returns.
  • Implementation Steps:some text
    • Look for certified PPC professionals with experience in the legal industry.
    • Review their past case studies or ask for specific strategies they would implement for your firm’s specialty.
Example of a PPC Expert with Google Partner agency certification status

12. Advanced Keyword Strategies

  • Utilizing Advanced Techniques:some text
    • Implement SKAGs (Single Keyword Ad Groups) to increase ad relevance and Quality Score.
    • Use negative keywords to exclude irrelevant traffic and reduce wasteful spend.
  • Implementation Steps:some text
    • Regularly update your negative keyword list based on search term reports from Google Ads.
    • Use keyword insertion techniques to dynamically update ad text based on user queries.

Dynamic keyword insertion (DKI) and strategies to filter out unqualified leads are critical components of a sophisticated PPC strategy, especially for law firms looking to maximize the efficiency of their ad spend. Let’s explore how these can be effectively implemented in both Performance Max campaigns and traditional search ads.

Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI)

What is Dynamic Keyword Insertion?

Dynamic Keyword Insertion is a feature in Google Ads that automatically updates your ad text to include one of your keywords that matches a user’s search query. This can make your ad more relevant to the searcher, potentially increasing your ad's click-through rate.

How to Use DKI in Law Firm PPC Campaigns:

  • Implementation in Search Ads: Insert the DKI code in your ad’s headline or description. For example, if you’re running a campaign for a personal injury law firm, your DKI setup in headline 2 might look like this:some text
    • Headline 1: Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers
    • Headline 2: {KeyWord:Local Injury Attorney}
    • Description: Get a free consultation today!
    • In this setup, "Local Injury Attorney" is the default text that will appear if the keyword that triggered the ad is too long or if none of your active keywords are a good match for the insertion.
  • Best Practices:some text
    • Always capitalize the “KeyWord” in the DKI syntax to ensure the first letter of each word in the inserted keyword is capitalized, which generally appears more professional and readable.
    • Choose a default text that is generic enough to make sense with the rest of the ad copy but specific enough to be relevant to the ad group’s theme.

Filtering Out Unqualified Leads

Strategy Overview:

Filtering out unqualified leads is crucial for increasing the efficiency of your ad spend. By refining your ad copy and using targeted qualifiers, you can discourage clicks from those unlikely to convert into clients.

How to Implement in Performance Max and Search Ads:

  • Performance Max Campaigns: Since these campaigns leverage Google’s AI to optimize ad placements across various channels, it’s essential to use clear and precise qualifiers in your asset group descriptions. For example, use phrases like “Serious Injuries Only” or “Cases Over $50,000” in the descriptions to pre-qualify leads.
  • Search Ads - Headline 2:some text
    • Use Headline 2 to insert a qualifying statement that helps weed out less relevant queries. For instance:some text
      • Headline 1: Top-Rated Divorce Lawyers
      • Headline 2: Serving High-Net-Worth Cases Only
      • Description: Specializing in complex asset divisions. Contact us today!
    • This headline clearly targets individuals involved in high-stakes divorces, potentially increasing the quality of the leads by discouraging those who do not meet the firm’s typical client profile.

Pinning Headlines in Google Ads

Understanding Pinning:

Pinning in Google Ads allows you to fix a specific headline or description to a certain position within your ad. 

This is particularly useful when you need to ensure that a crucial piece of information appears consistently, regardless of how the ad might otherwise be optimized by Google’s algorithms for click-through rates.

How to Use Pinning to Ensure Self-Qualification:

  • Purpose of Pinning: For law firms, pinning can be instrumental in ensuring that essential qualifying information remains visible in every ad impression. 

This helps in managing the expectations of potential clients, ensuring that only those who meet certain criteria (like case value, specific legal needs, or geographical location) will click through, thereby optimizing your ad spend.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Create Your Responsive Ad: Start by setting up a responsive search ad in your Google Ads campaign.
  2. Insert Your Headline Text: Write the headline that contains your qualifying statement. For example, "Serving High-Net-Worth Divorce Cases".
  3. Pin the Headline: When entering your headlines in the Google Ads interface, you can click on the pin icon next to the headline text box. Choose to pin this headline to Position 1 to ensure it always appears as the first headline in your ad.
  4. Combine with Other Headlines: After pinning your qualifying headline, add additional headlines without pinning them to encourage Google to test these headlines in other positions. This maintains ad flexibility while ensuring your key qualifier is always visible.

Best Practices:

  • Balancing Pinning and Flexibility: While pinning is useful for ensuring visibility of critical information, it’s also important to allow some level of automated optimization for other parts of your ad. This means pinning one or two key headlines or descriptions but leaving others unpinned to optimize for CTR and conversion rates.
  • Regular Review and Updates: Monitor the performance of pinned and unpinned elements regularly. If certain unpinned elements perform exceptionally well, consider pinning them if they carry important qualifying or persuasive information.

Utilizing Multiple Description Fields

Purpose and Strategy:

Using multiple description fields allows you to provide more comprehensive information about your services, which can help further qualify leads. 

This is particularly important in law firm advertising, where conveying expertise and specialty areas can significantly impact client decision-making.

How to Implement Multiple Descriptions:

  • Setup: Responsive search ads allow you to add up to four descriptions, which Google will rotate to show the best-performing combinations.
  • Content Strategy:some text
    1. First Description: Focus on specialty and expertise. Example: "Specializing in complex asset divisions and high-net-worth divorces."
    2. Second Description: Highlight your unique selling propositions or additional services. Example: "Offering confidential consultations and bespoke legal solutions."
    3. Third Description: Call to action. Example: "Contact us today to secure your assets and rights."
    4. Fourth Description: Additional information or reassurance. Example: "Trusted by over 500 clients nationwide to deliver results."

Best Practices:

  • Complementary Information: Ensure each description complements the others, providing a well-rounded picture of your services without being redundant.
  • CTA Placement: Always include a call to action in at least one of the descriptions, preferably more, to encourage immediate engagement.
  • Keywords Optimization: Include relevant keywords across the descriptions to improve SEO and relevance to search queries.

By pinning essential headlines and effectively utilizing multiple description fields, law firms can enhance the precision and effectiveness of their PPC campaigns. 

These strategies ensure that potential clients are well-informed and properly qualified even before they click the ad, improving both the quality of incoming leads and the overall ROI of the campaign.

Additional Tips for Filtering Leads:

  • Use Negative Keywords: Regularly update your negative keyword list to exclude terms that frequently attract the wrong type of lead. For a bankruptcy law firm, you might exclude terms like “free legal advice” or “pro bono” to avoid attracting leads who aren’t looking to hire a lawyer.
  • Landing Page Content: Ensure your landing pages have detailed information that further qualifies the visitor. For example, mention specific case types you handle or minimum financial thresholds, which help ensure the leads are well-informed before they contact you.
  • Ad Scheduling: Adjust your ad scheduling to run ads during business hours or times when your ideal clients are most likely to be searching. This helps reduce exposure to casual browsers who are less likely to convert into actual clients.

By integrating dynamic keyword insertion and strategic lead filtering techniques into your PPC campaigns, you can significantly enhance the relevance and efficiency of your ads. This tailored approach not only improves click-through rates but also ensures that the leads generated are more likely to convert into valuable clients for your law firm.

13. Geo-Targeting and Local PPC

  • Targeting Local Clients:some text
    • Focus PPC efforts on specific geographic areas where your firm operates, using localized keywords and ad copy.
  • Implementation Steps:some text
    • Set up location targeting in Google Ads to only show your ads to users in specific cities or regions.
    • Use local slang or terminology in your ads to increase relevance and connection with the audience.

14. Scheduling and Timing for Campaigns

  • Optimal Scheduling:some text
    • Adjust ad schedules based on when potential clients are most likely to search for your services, which can vary by practice area.
  • Implementation Steps:some text
    • Analyze your website traffic data to identify peak times for visits and inquiries.
    • Schedule your ads to increase bid adjustments during these peak times to maximize visibility.

15. Utilizing Ad Extensions

  • Enhancing Ads with Extensions:some text
    • Use various ad extensions to provide additional information and increase the click-through rate (CTR) of your ads.
  • Implementation Steps:some text
    • Add location extensions to show your firm’s address and increase local relevance.
    • Use call extensions to make it easier for mobile users to contact your firm directly from the ad.

16. Crafting Compelling Ad Creative

  • Creating Effective Ads:some text
    • Develop creatives that speak directly to the emotional and legal needs of potential clients.
  • Implementation Steps:some text
    • For personal injury claims, use images of the firm's attorneys in action, portraying empathy and aggressiveness.
    • For family law, consider softer visuals that emphasize support and understanding.

17. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

  • Improving Landing Page Performance:some text
    • Continuously test and optimize your landing pages to increase the conversion rate from your ads.
  • Implementation Steps:some text
    • Implement A/B testing for different elements such as CTA buttons, images, and form lengths to find the most effective combination.

18. Tracking and Analytics

  • Monitoring Campaign Effectiveness:some text
    • Utilize tracking tools to gather data on ad performance, user behavior, and conversion pathways.
  • Implementation Steps:some text
    • Set up Google Analytics to track user paths from ads to conversion points like contact forms.
    • Review and adjust campaigns based on performance analytics to optimize spend and results.

19. Legal Considerations in PPC

  • Ensuring Compliance:some text
    • Stay updated with all legal advertising regulations and guidelines to avoid penalties or breaches.
  • Implementation Steps:some text
    • Regularly consult with a legal marketing compliance expert to review your ad content and targeting strategies.
    • Ensure all your ads are upfront about services offered and avoid guarantees of outcomes, which are often prohibited.

20. Performance Max Campaigns

  • Leveraging Automated Solutions:some text
    • After gathering sufficient data, consider using Google’s Performance Max campaigns to automate and optimize ad placements across all Google channels.
  • Implementation Steps:some text
    • Ensure you have at least a few hundred conversions as data points for Google’s AI to effectively learn from.
    • Set up Performance Max campaigns focusing on your specific goals, like lead generation, and monitor closely for any adjustments needed in targeting or budget.

By implementing these expanded and detailed strategies, law firms can not only enhance their PPC campaigns but also ensure they are optimized, legally compliant, and tailored to meet the specific needs of their target client base. 

Each of these steps is designed to build upon the firm’s digital marketing efforts, driving better quality leads, and ultimately increasing conversions and client satisfaction.

There are numerous benefits to outsourcing to a law firm PPC expert:

  • Review the competition and best strategies: An experienced PPC expert can perform an in-depth analysis of your competitors, identifying their strategies and helping you capitalize on opportunities they may have missed.
  • Create and optimize your campaigns: Professionals in PPC management will not only create tailored campaigns that align with your firm’s goals but continuously optimize these campaigns to ensure maximum effectiveness.
  • Monitor performance: Continuous monitoring allows for quick adjustments and fine-tuning to improve campaign outcomes based on real-time data.
  • Make data-driven decisions for better results: Leveraging analytics and reporting tools, PPC experts can make informed decisions that significantly enhance campaign performance and ROI.

The right PPC expert will help you bring in new clients due to their knowledge in your practice area.

Fitting PPC Into a Law Firm Marketing Strategy

PPC is just one option for lawyers to reach ideal clients, but it's not the only one. Integrating PPC with a comprehensive law firm SEO plan can enhance your overall digital marketing strategy. 

While PPC offers immediate visibility, relying on organic search results can reduce ad spend over time, maximizing long-term gains.

Finding the Right Marketing Partner

Choosing the right marketing partner is crucial. They can help outline your goals, set your budget, and track your outcomes effectively. The best part? You get to focus on what you do best: winning cases for your clients. A proficient marketing partner frees up your resources, allowing you to concentrate on delivering exceptional legal services.

ClarityNorth can help lawyers get the most out of PPC advertising. 

Our expertise and deep understanding of the legal marketing landscape put our clients in a winning position. 

With tailored strategies and data-driven insights, we ensure that your PPC efforts are not just expenditures but investments that grow your practice.

Contact ClarityNorth today for a law firm marketing audit and a personalized phone consultation. 

Discover how you can optimize your PPC campaigns and achieve remarkable results. 

Let us help you transform your digital marketing into a powerful tool for client acquisition and firm growth.

Law Firm PPC: 20 Advertising Tips for Attorneys

Cody Lister, co-founder of ClarityNorth, pioneers digital strategies for law firms.